Back on the Telly Again!

Ben smiles while I try and lift his wallet from his back pocket

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, the Calypso story forges ahead with another episode on British TV tonight (New Lives in the Wild Revisited, channel 5, 9.00pm)

More than five years after his first visit, celebrity adventurer Ben Fogle drops in on previous hosts to find out whether they are still as enamoured with their chosen off-grid lifestyle and what, if anything, has changed for them.

Well for me, nothing really significant has changed- I am still bobbing away on the ocean, but in quite a different way. Several years have passed since Jasna disembarked Calypso under a bit of a cloud and even the boat itself has been replaced –  the old faithful Hans Christian 36 making way for the much-improved Calypso II, a rather fantastic Island Packet 38 (making this the third boat in my trilogy of ownership and also my favourite). So, as the Kenyans say, ‘same, same, but different’.

Ben and I pretend to be serious for the camera

See the full listing in the Radio Times here

If you live in the UK or have a VPN, you can see this episode online here

What I think will be different about this episode is that they allowed me to rant on a bit more about my favourite subject – the fact that virtually anybody can leave the shore for a new life afloat.

I haven’t seen the program yet and have no idea how it was edited, but it was great fun to make and will hopefully be a little more successful  in promoting the message that was a little lost in the original, namely:

If a doofus like me can do it, then anybody can!

I hope it inspires you budding sailors teetering on the edge to make the jump.  Come on in – the water is very warm indeed!

As always, feel free to email me on if you have any questions or just need a good old-fashioned, motivational kick in the pants.

Stay safe everybody and go sailing!

Captain Rick ‘slightly fishy’ Page
Calypso II




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12 Responses to Back on the Telly Again!

  1. john short says:

    Hi Rick

    What a great programme and what a great man to share the gypsy lifestyle.

    I dont know if congratulations is the right word but bloody well done!

    Be safe


    • rick says:

      Hi John,

      Thanks for the vibe brother and I will accept those congratulations! ? Are you still looking at Mexico? Can’t say I blame you! Give my regards to the Toon.

  2. Chris Fo says:

    Watched this last night and as soon as it finished began reading your book. About halfway through and have already recommended it to a friend. Great stuff!

    • rick says:

      Hey Chris,

      Sound like I am going to owe you a beer if you keep selling books like that!


      1.Follow instructions in Book
      2.Set sail for Fiji
      3. Claim free beer from Rick

      Go on… I dare ya!

  3. Karen shillcock says:

    Great program great program and got the message .. if you dream it.. do it .. it doesn’t need to cost the earth . Totally agree with slowing down stop setting goals and live for today. I just need to keep this recording and keep watching until I take the plunge and do it.

    • rick says:

      You certainly have got the message – but there is a lot to learn if you don’t want to waste your money. At the risk of sounding like a slaesman, I strongly recommend you read my book before you even start looking at boats. It will save you a fortune and a lot of disappointment. too many people are being seduced by slick brokers and shiny yoghurt pots.

      Let me know if you have any questions and good luck getting gone!

  4. Gordon Clark says:

    Hi Rick,

    I watched the latest Ben Fogle “revisit” and of all similar things I’ve read about or watched over the years, this one struck at my heart the most and all I can do is congratulate yourself for having the conviction to do what you’ve done.

    I also found you to be a fascinating and genuinely interesting person who clearly cares about doing things in the right way.

    I’m of similar age as yourself, but some of life’s twist and turns have meant I very much doubt a likewise desire of mine which I’ve had since childhood will come to fruition. Although I may never get to physically live out the life I truly wanted, the opportunity to read and see what you’ve done will offer the me the chance to gleam some experience of it.

    • rick says:

      Dear Gordon,

      Thanks for your email and your very flattering words. I am glad that it has re-ignited your desire to throw off the dock lines and get out here. I am not aware of your circumstance so could not possibly comment on why you think this life is unavailable to you in corporeal form, but usually most people’s reasons for thinking that are nothing but media-generated fears and illusions. Drop me a line on and let me know what you think is stopping you. It really is rather easy to get into this lifestyle (that is why I wrote the book) and there are very few who cannot do it.

      Thanks again for your kind email and the best of luck to you mate!



  5. Wan Hoesni says:

    Dear Rick

    I envy you and you lifestyle. Saw it on tv and want to meet you. Please dock in Kuala Terengganu on the east coast of Malaysia( on the way to Thailand) and I want to meet this sea gypsy.

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